Kurztour "Galapagos Inseln"
Kategorie Standard (keine Mindestteilnehmerzahl)

Kurztour "Galapagos Inseln"

Closed tour
06 May

Galapagos - The Enchanted Islands - are undoubtedly the highlight of any trip to Ecuador and you should definitely not miss out on a visit! This unique living museum of evolutionary history has helped and continues to help us better understand life on earth. Get to know the exotic species that are only native to this archipelago. Animals, unafraid of humans, that are so different that one can only wonder about their existence on this planet. The most famous of these are the giant tortoises to which the Galapagos Islands owe their name. However, the variety of birds and marine mammals, such as dolphins, whales, sea lions and iguanas, are also worth mentioning. The native flora includes mangroves and cacti - just to name a few.

Day 1: Baltra (L, D)

After your arrival at Baltra airport, you will be met by a Spanish-speaking representative and taken to the hotel together with other international travelers. You will first travel by bus to the Itabaca Channel, which is crossed by a small ferry, and then on to Puerto Ayora on the island of Santa Cruz. You will have lunch at the hotel. In the afternoon, you will have the opportunity to visit the Charles Darwin Research Station in Puerto Ayora. The research center was founded in 1964, and a few years later the most important project, the breeding station for giant tortoises and land iguanas, was inaugurated in cooperation with the national park authorities. On the way to the research station you will see endemic bird species and the island's famous cactus forests. Dinner in a local restaurant.

Day 2 & 3: Galapagos (B, L, D)

On day 2 and day 3, you will discover one of the islands listed below on a boat excursion. The choice depends on the possibilities on site (weather & wave conditions). Lunch on board. Dinner in a local restaurant.

North Seymour: Today's day trip begins with a bus ride of around 42 km from Puerto Ayora to the Itabaca Channel, where you change to a boat and travel a further 9 km to the island of North Seymour. North Seymour is a small lava plateau of the northern Seymour Island that rises out of the ocean and is only separated from the southern island of Baltra (formerly South Seymour) by a narrow strait. The 1.5 km circular trail takes you across the stony, flat and windy island, which is covered in salt bushes and puddles, especially in the splash zone. North Seymour is particularly exciting because of the many magnificent frigate birds, whose males inflate their dazzling red throat pouch to a considerable size during the mating rituals. In addition to other species of frigate birds, there are also colonies of blue-footed boobies and sea lions as well as lots of red cliff crabs. Part of the excursion is snorkeling at Bachas beach (approx. 1h).

South Plazas: To get to the island of South Plazas, you first travel 42 km by bus from Puerto Ayora in the direction of the Itabaca Channel, then change to a boat and travel approx. 15 km from the Itabaca Channel to the island of Plazas. The island of South Plazas is another of the small and extremely interesting islands, where you will be greeted by a large colony of sea lions as soon as you reach the small jetty. The hike begins there (approx. 1 hour) on a path surrounded by tree opuntias and the habitat of the cactus finch and other bird species. The island was formed from lava masses flowing up from the ocean and lies in front of the steep cliffs of the large neighboring island of Santa Cruz. Despite its small size, it has an astonishing variety of animal species and an extraordinary, interesting flora. Characteristic of South Plazas is the Sesuvium mat lichen, which gives the otherwise rather dry and barren island a yellow and green hue during the rainy season. In the dry season (end of June to January), however, this ground-covering plant gives South Plazas a completely different look. Today you have the opportunity to swim and snorkel at Punta Carrión (approx. 1h).

Bartolomé: You can reach the island of Bartolomé by bus and boat. First you travel around 42 km by bus from Puerto Ayora to the Itabaca Canal, then you change to a boat and travel around 30 km on it until you reach the island of Bartolomé. The volcanic island of Bartolomé, which is about 1.2 square meters in size, is located near the east coast of the island of Santiago and is characterized by a 114m high volcanic crater that towers over the island. Your excursion takes you to the summit of the volcanic crater. From here you have an impressive view over the nearby islands and Pinnacle Rock, which is a remnant of an ancient tuff cone and one of the archipelago's most famous sights. During your hike (approx. 1 hour) you will see marine iguanas, lava lizards and various species of cacti, the first traces of plants on the relatively young lava soil. Afterwards, relax on the long sandy Bahia Sullivan beach and enjoy the marine world while snorkeling (approx. 1 hour).

Santa Fe: Santa Fe Island can be reached in two different ways. The choice of route depends on the national park regulations and navigation permits. You can either drive approx. 28 km from the San Francisco pier in Puerto Ayora to the island of Santa Fe or you can take the bus from Puerto Ayora to the Itabaca Canal for around 42 km and then take the boat from the canal to the island of Santa Fe for 45 km. This island is one of the oldest islands in the archipelago. Due to its age and long isolation, various endemic species have been able to develop, e.g. land iguanas, the largest of their kind in Galapagos, rice rats and geckos. You visit (approx. 1h) Barrington Bay on the north side of the island, a small quiet bay where you can observe sea turtles and eagle rays, as well as pelicans, blue-footed boobies, masked boobies and magnificent frigate birds on the surrounding rocks. Another attraction of Santa Fe are two sea lion colonies, which you can usually observe on the beach. You snorkel or swim on a smaller island near Santa Fe Island (approx. 1h).

Day 4: Departure from Baltra airport (B)

Transfer to the airport in Baltra for your onward or homeward flight.

B = breakfast / L = lunch / D = dinner

Note: Day trips are subject to availability on the islands. Daily excursions are guaranteed, but not which islands will be visited (e.g. the following points of interest could also be included: Cerro Dragon on Santa Cruz Island, Santa Fe Island, Floreana Island, Isabela Island and/or the highlands of Santa Cruz). Other passengers of other nationalities are also on board for the excursions and transfers (no charter boats). The capacity of the excursion boats is 10-20 pax.

Due to their remoteness, internet connections on the Galapagos Islands are intermittent and of low bandwidth. Recommended luggage: Small backpack, comfortable walking shoes, sneakers with rubber soles, shorts, long pants, T-shirts, long and short-sleeved shirts, windbreaker, swimsuit/trousers - wetsuit for snorkeling in cold months, hat or cap, toiletry bag (with biodegradable shampoo please), sunscreen, sunglasses, binoculars, camera and camcorder, any medication you may need and book/notebook.